Letters From Nintendo (September 13, 1995)
I wrote many letters to Nintendo when I was a kid because, like most kids at the time, I was infatuated with them. The great thing about Nintendo is that you would get a response pretty much every time you wrote them. While rummaging through some documents today, I found one such reply from the big N itself. I thought I would post it up here for all of you to enjoy. I apparently asked about how to do a red shadow kick with Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat II based on the answer in the letter. The letter is addressed to myself and Jeven who was my next door neighbor at the time. Along with answering my question, they also take the time to make a great sales pitch for Killer Instinct which I probably didn’t need to hear as I was already sold on it at the time. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this letter and I will try to post more Nintendo letters as I continue to find them in my pile of documents and stuff. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
Nintendo Envelope (September 13, 1995)
Nintendo Letter (September 13, 1995)