Live Show – Episode 14
This Live Show episode was broadcast live on Thursday, March 29, 2018. For more information on the show, please visit our YouTube page at All of our past episodes can be found there as well as the upcoming schedule for our future episodes. On this episode, Tim and Jonathan discussed the following topics…
- Question from Jeff who is having trouble with the marquee light in his Ms. Pac Man cabinet.
Replacement FS-2 starter (Twisted Quarter) –
Replacement FS-U starter (Twisted Quarter) –
Will work in place of FS-2, FS-4, & FS-5 units –
GE Advantage Fluorescent Light Fixture (18 inch) ( – - Question from Steve who changed the volume on his 60-in-1 board and now it’s stuck in some sort of demo mode that cycles through each game demoing controls and scoring.
- Question from Bill who wonders if it’s possible to take a game off of free play mode.
- Question from Fern who is trying to install a fan in his arcade cabinet and has some questions about the process.
- Question from Erik who has a Defender where the ship goes straight up to the top of the screen and he cannot get it to come down even after checking the switches on the joystick.
- Question from Karen who is curious about what her Tempest that’s currently playing blind is worth if she wanted to sell it.
- Question from Jeremy who has a Thunderbird with a screen that start up out of focus but looks better as you leave it on and has some game freezing issues.
- Donkey Kong’s failing liver: What the death of the CRT display technology means for classic arcade machines (Venturebeat) –
- If you could own just one arcade cabinet, which one would it be? (Destructoid) ––495071.phtml
- Iron Maiden Pinball Machine Revealed: First Images and Details from Stern (IGN) –
- Texas Pinball Festival 2018 –
Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions below or on the YouTube page for this episode. As always, you can contact us when we are off the air by email at Enjoy!
Arcade Repair Tips – Live Show – Episode 14
Special thanks goes to David Vaughan for composing all of the great chiptunes music that we use in our content and Nathan Knight for providing our excellent voiceovers. Please check out their websites for information on the services they provide.