Cabinets & Artwork Archive

Parts Of An Arcade1Up Cabinet
by Jonathan Leung | Beginner | 2 Comments
Recently, a company called Tastemakers, LLC has released a product line called Arcade1Up that consists of 3/4 sized versions of several popular arcade cabinets for home use. We noticed that many of the people

Assembling A Cocktail Cabinet Kit (With JAMMA Wiring Harness)
by Tim Peterson | Beginner | No Comments
We’ve heard from many of you over the years who would like to own an arcade cabinet but can’t find any in your area. Unfortunately, the amount of cabinets in circulation has dwindled quite

Installing Artwork On An Arcade Cabinet
by Tim Peterson | Cabinets & Artwork | 1 Comment
Just like with many things in this world, age is typically not kind to arcade cabinets. Dents and scratches appear from the barrage of players “enjoying” the game, the wood starts to swell or

Opening An Arcade Cabinet
by Tim Peterson | Beginner | 3 Comments
There is only so much troubleshooting that we can do from outside an arcade game. In order to fix the majority of arcade game issues, we must be able to access the parts inside

Laminating An Arcade Cabinet
by Tim Peterson | Advanced | 4 Comments
Arcade cabinets tend to take a little punishment over the years. Time really does take it’s toll on your arcade cabinet and sideart. In this post, we’re going to discuss how you can restore

The Parts Of An Arcade Cabinet
by Jonathan Leung | Beginner | 1 Comment
While the look of arcade cabinets has changed over the years, the general makeup of the parts has remained basically the same. For those of you who are new to arcade game collecting, you