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Arcade Question

Question from Ben: Hi, I hope this is still the way to reach you. You had previously helped me out on an arcade issue two years ago. I’m just looking for some advice. I’ve had an Area 51/Maximum Force arcade for a couple of years and for the most part, it’s worked just fine. A few weeks ago, if it was just idle and cycling through the main menus for both games, every few minutes I would get some kind of “failed to boot” screen with a lot of code, then it would return to the main menu normally. That went on for about two weeks, but now when I power it on I just get a blank screen with some red lines. Do you think I need to buy a new hard drive or flash version of the game, or does it sound like something more serious? Thank you, Ben

1 answer

Response from Jonathan: Ben,

From your description, it does sound like you could have a bad hard drive but it’s hard to know for sure considering how the board was acting before it completely died. At this point, we recommend trying the flash kit for it to see if that helps the issue. You can get flash upgrade kits from Arcade Services. Even if the problem continues after installing the flash kit, it will at least ensure that the hard drive is working and will continue to work for many years. Of course, feel free to contact us again if you continue to have issues after trying this possible solution.

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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