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Connecting WG D9810 to SF Rush cab

Question from David: Hi, I bought a San Francisco Rush cabinet with a 27″ tube intact, but missing the chassis. I bought a WG D9810 chassis and started to install it, but didn’t know where to plug in 2 sets of dual wires. After watching your video it seems these must be the degaussing coil and the yolk wires (one is spaced slightly wider than the other). It looks like there are multiple places I could plug both into. Any advice for determining which is the right place to plug in what?

Also in your video you mentioned that you repair monitor chassis, is that correct? What do you generally charge? I sent a few chassis to a place in southern California for repair and the first one I reinstalled looked only slightly better than when I sent it to them and then started going blurry again after 2 power cycles. So I don’t know if I want to use them again in the future.

Thanks a lot!

1 answer

Jonathan Leung Jonathan Leung Staff January 8, 2016

Response from Jonathan: David,

We are not as familiar with the Wells Gardner D9800 series chassis as we are with some of their others but we did find the schematic which should help you identify where to plug in these connectors. If you continue to have trouble, feel free to send us some pictures of the connectors you are talking about and we’ll try to help you out further. Also, keep in mind that Wells Gardner is still in business and has very good technical support. You can find their contact information on their website if you would like to go that route.

We did take monitor chassis repairs through the mail at one point in time but we have discontinued that service due to a lack of time on our part. With that said, we do have several people that we recommend. Chad at is a very reputable guy and has a pretty fast turn around time. You could also contact our friend Arthur at He has answered several questions on our Facebook page in the past and definitely knows what he’s doing. There is a list of additional monitor repair technicians on our resources page under the Monitor Repair Services & Information heading as well.

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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