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D9200 horizontal wave issue

Question from Gord: Hello!

First, I want to thank you for a great site and a wonderful collection of video troubleshooting tips. I have referred to (and benefited from) your tips on many occasions.

The issue I’m experiencing is a subtle wave effect (not a line, more like a wobble) moving horizontally (top to bottom) on my 10 year old Wells Gardner 27″ D9200 monitor which is using an ArcadeVGA card as the video source. Interesting, while checking various resolutions, I noticed that the wave effect speeds up/slows down depending on the resolution…and, more curiously, I could not detect the wave effect at the 288 X 264 resolution.

Given it’s age, I’m quite prepared to CAP the monitor (I acquired a CAP kit several months ago) but I’m not 100% convinced this is the problem; particularly since the 288 X 264 resolution did not exhibit the problem.

Any thoughts, suggestions or troubleshooting tips are greatly appreciated.


1 answer

Jonathan Leung Jonathan Leung Staff January 6, 2016

Response from Jonathan: Gord,

Well, thank you for your kind words. We’re glad that our content has helped you with your projects. It’s always good to hear positive feedback from our readers, viewers and listeners. It’s what encourages us to continue putting out new content. Again, thank you.

As for your question, it does sound like your problem could be related to some bad caps. Even if the issue is not with the caps, there seems to be something wrong in the power supply section of the monitor. We recommend starting off with a cap kit and rebuilding the high voltage section altogether if the problem continues. On the resolution, it could be that the 288 x 264 resolution is just not pushing the power supply as much as the other resolutions you are testing which is why the problem doesn’t occur with that particular setting.

Something to keep in mind is that Wells Gardner is still in business. Their technical support is very good and should be able to help you out if you are looking for another opinion on your issue. You can find their contact information on their website at

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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