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Low power on Qbert

Question from Ben: Hi, I recently installed a Qbert power supply rebuild kit ( but now when I turn it on the 5V LED light does not turn on. Additionally, testing it with the multimeter only shows 1.31V instead of the need 5V. As expected, plugging it all in also does not fire up the game. Monitor, marquee, coin door, etc. all show power, but the power going to the PCB seems to be too low. Any suggestions? Any help is appreciated! Photos attached. Ben


Low power on Qbert 1 Low power on Qbert 2

1 answer

Jonathan Leung Jonathan Leung Staff January 5, 2017

Response from Jonathan: Ben,

Wow, this is very strange. Quick question: was the voltage this low before installing the kit? For the voltage to be that low, it would almost have to be a bad part (such as a transistor) or a bad/cold solder joint. We definitely recommend touching up all the solder joints on the board to make sure they are all making a good connection. It might also be a good idea to check the other +5 VDC pins to see if they are outputting the same thing. Of course, you can always trace back the +5 VDC line to see if you can identify any problem areas.

You might contact Twisty Wrist Arcade to see if they have had this happen before as well. It could be a case where they got a hold of some bad parts so it’s worth at least checking with them to determine if that’s the case.

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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