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Ms. Pac Man

Question from Lonnie: Hello, I have a Mini Ms. Pac Man standup arcade in my home with a 13″ monitor. The game screen will not adjust to fit on the monitor (top/bottom, I can’t read the scores). The adjustment for this will not shrink the game screen. The monitor is a Happ Vision KTN-1401, Samsung monitor and Kortex board. Is this something you can help me with or repair? I’m in Northern Kentucky. Thanks so much, Lonnie

1 answer

Jonathan Leung Jonathan Leung Staff January 5, 2017

Response from Jonathan: Lonnie,

Just FYI before we get started, many of the Happ Vision monitors (including the one in your mini Ms. Pac Man) were made by Kortek. Hopefully this will help you when your searching for information on this monitor. If the horizontal width cannot be changed using the standard adjustments on the monitor, it’s a good idea to check your B+ voltage as it can affect your display width as well. You might try turning it down just a bit to see if it makes a difference in your picture. There is also a cap in the HV section of this monitor (C609 I believe) that can also cause this issue. Try replacing that cap and the corresponding diode if you continue to have problems after the B+ voltage adjustment.

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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