Checking Fuses With A Multimeter
Checking fuses with a multimeter can be a simple, yet effective way to fix an arcade game that’s having power issues.
Checking Fuses With A Multimeter
Before you touch anything in the arcade cabinet, make sure the power is switched off and the game is unplugged. In most arcade games, the fuses are located at the bottom of the cabinet near the power supply. Make sure you remove the fuse from the clamp before you test it as testing it in the clamp can sometimes generate a false good fuse reading.
To test the fuse, place your multimeter on the continuity test mode icon (also known as the diode test icon). The icon should look like this…
Continuity Test Icon
Then, take your probes and touch them to both ends of the fuse. A good fuse reading will generate a beeping sound or will read 0 (ZERO) ohm. Of course, any other reading on your multimeter (including a blank reading) indicates a blown fuse reading. If you get a blown fuse reading, make sure you replace it using only the same current and voltage ratings as the original one. These ratings are usually indicated on the fuse itself. If you replace the blown fuse with a working one and the game blows that fuse as well, check your power supply and wiring for issues before replacing it again.
The ability to test fuses will carry you a long way in repairing not just arcade games but electronics in general. This is often one of the most overlooked parts of arcade game repair so make sure that you check your fuses before moving on to more advanced troubleshooting.