QA Podcast – Episode 34

QA Podcast - Episode 34QA Podcast - Episode 34

This episode of the podcast was recorded on Sunday, September 15, 2013. For more information on our podcast, please visit our iTunes page at All of our past episodes can be found there as well as a review section where you can leave us a comment on how we’re doing. On this episode, Tim, Jonathan and special guest Whitney Roberts from answered your questions regarding…

  • A Mortal Kombat with one horizontal line across the middle of the screen
  • A Mortal Kombat with connection issues
  • A Frogger with power supply problems
  • A Claw Machine that works off of 220 VAC instead of 110 VAC
  • A Ms. Pac Man cocktail with graphics issues
  • A Marvel Vs Capcom 2 multi-JAMMA conversion
  • A Thunder Blade with a bad monitor
  • A Golden Tee to multigame conversion
  • And several monitor chassis and tube issues

We also talk about Stern’s next pinball machine and discuss a follow up question on the top 5-grossing arcade games we would include in an arcade-themed bar. Please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions below. As always, you can contact us when we are off the air by email at or by calling our voicemail line at (972) 8AR-TIPS or (972) 827-8477. Enjoy!

Show Links:

Special thanks goes to David Vaughan for composing all of the great chiptunes music that we use in our content and Nathan Knight for providing our excellent voiceovers. Please check out their websites for information on the services they provide.


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