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Arcade Monitor Bends at Top Corners

Question from Joey: Hi, I have been having a minor geometry issue with my WG 19K4901 monitor. I recently replaced my Pandora’s Box 3 (bootleg of bootleg version) because it stopped booting up and would just turn off randomly, but the monitor would still be on. The picture was still fine when it was on. So I upgraded to the new Pandora’s Box 4S and that problem was resolved and the game runs fine, but I have a slight distortion issue the top corners. It bends to the right and is more noticeable when playing vertical games. I figured that something had to be adjusted on the monitor. I had to play around with the horizontal shift to center it more and I figured something else had to be adjusted to fix the distortion issue. Can you help? Thank you again. Joey


Arcade Monitor Bends at Top Corners 1 Arcade Monitor Bends at Top Corners 2

1 answer

Response from Jonathan: Joey,

Yes, it does look like you are experiencing some sort of bend or curl in your picture. Usually playing around with the adjustments such as horizontal and vertical hold/shift can help resolve issues like this. Make sure you check out our post on Adjusting An Arcade Monitor for more information on the monitor adjustments. If you cannot get the curl out of your picture after trying the adjustments, then it may be time to install a cap kit on your monitor chassis. We’ve seen many K4900 series monitors over the years with issues similar to this that have been fixed by installing a cap kit so that’s definitely the next step to try. Of course, our post on Installing A Cap Kit will help you with this process if you are not familiar with it already. Try these steps and let us know the results.

Hope that helps. Thank you for your question and good luck with your repair.


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